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Naraka: Bladepoint – Essential Tips and Tricks for New Players

Naraka: Bladepoint – Essential Tips and Tricks for New Players

Naraka: Bladepoint is an incredibly fast-paced battle royale focused on melee combat, movement, and using your character well. This sounds like the dream game for some players, but others might be a bit hesitant to jump in. While the game is incredibly fun, there are some key tips and tricks to make sure you last as long as possible and win your encounters.

1. Choose the Right Hero

Naraka: Bladepoint – Essential Tips and Tricks for New Players

In Naraka: Bladepoint, the different heroes have their unique abilities and ultimates. Beginners have to choose a hero whose playstyle is matched with theirs. For example, Tarka Ji would be a good pick for aggressive play due to his superior offensive abilities. Players preferring to support allies or stay on the defensive might want to play with characters such as Viper Ning and Kurumi. Spend more time in practice mode playing different kinds of heroes to find the one that you feel most comfortable with.

2. Master the Basics of Combat

Naraka: Bladepoint – Essential Tips and Tricks for New Players

The combat action in Naraka: Bladepoint mainly dwells on timing, blocking, and countering.

  • Light Attacks and Heavy Attacks: Light attacks are fast but low-damaging, while heavy attacks take longer to execute but are more damaging. Mix-up your attacks to confuse the enemy.
  • Countering: This is one of the most important mechanics. The counter is able to disarm and stagger them when the enemy strikes with a charged heavy attack. Learn the timing will do wonders for your offensive capability.
  • Dodging and Blocking: Dodging is an important technique for avoiding attacks when dealing with multiple opponents. Blocking is good, too, but if overused it may get broken. Keep moving around and always mix up defences.

3. Understand Weapon Types

Naraka: Bladepoint – Essential Tips and Tricks for New Players

Naraka: Bladepoint is filled with assorted weapons, including swords, spear, and bows. Each type of weapon possesses explicit strengths and weaknesses; hence one should get familiarized with each of them:

  • Melee Weapons: The katana and greatsword are rather beginner-friendly and provide tactical balance between mobility and damage. Use the katana for supporting quick attacks, while the greatsword can directly sweep through for damage-heavy kills.
  • Ranged Weapons: Bow and musket quite literally hit from over the hill. They should be used to weaken the opponent before going into those sick melees you are about to perform, but keep a track of ammo and be on your aim.

It would be best to train with all the different weapons, see how they suit your playstyle, and master the combos of each weapon for maximum damage.

4. Utilize the Grappling Hook

The grappling hook is represented as one of the most versatile tools in the game. It lets the player move fast throughout the map to get out of sticky situations and close the gap on enemies. Mastering the grappling hook is surely going to grant you an upper hand in terms of mobility and positioning. When you’re being attacked, don’t hesitate to use this to get away and regroup.

5. Prioritize Looting Wisely

Naraka: Bladepoint – Essential Tips and Tricks for New Players

The ideal choice of gear, healing items, and weaponry is examined at the commencement of each match. The better your gear, the higher probability of surviving fights. The purple and gold gear gives the best bonuses, and you should always scout for an upgrade. Equip them Souljades; items confer passive boosts, such as combining an increased attack damage or defences.

6. Manage Your Stamina

Stamina is very important for dodging, running, and using abilities. When you run out of stamina, you’ll become vulnerable, so keep an eye on your stamina bar. Spend stamina wisely, don’t waste any on sprinting or dodging, essentially saving it for combat situations.

7. Use the Environment to Your Advantage

From the vertical construction, trees, and obstacles on display in the maps, everything could work to your favour. Climb the buildings for a better perspective or sneak into the trees and ambush enemies when they least expect it. Using the surroundings may give you an advantage in combat.

8. Play Smart, Not Just Aggressively

Naraka: Bladepoint – Essential Tips and Tricks for New Players

Even though one may want to jump into every fight, sometimes it is smarter to wait for the right moment. This means find third-party opportunities, engaging weakened enemies fighting each other. Therefore, let one be very patient, pick battles wisely, and retreat if necessary.


Naraka: Bladepoint has a rather steep learning curve, which does take time to master with the help of some tips and practice. Don’t forget to experiment with different heroes, practice parrying, and stay on your toes at all times. Good luck, and may your blade always strike true!

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